Massive demand is emerging for fast, convenient EV charging, but real-world deployment faces major challenges. GridBlock energy routing bypasses grid constraints and delivers microgrid-based EV charging at scale.
GridBlock makes microgrid-based EV charging easy, affordable and scalable. Each eHub Energy Router supports up to 18 charging ports, DC fast charging or AC slow charging, at the same time. Multiple Energy Routers can scale to support multi-megawatt EV truck loads.
Fast Deployment Deploy high-capacity charging infrastructure in weeks instead of years
Affordable Charging Reduce the cost of charging 30%–50% with no upfront cost
Scalable Platform Flexible, future-proof platform can scale and adapt to ever-changing fleet demands
Traditional charging stations require switchgear, multiple DC chargers and big inverters to connect solar and storage, which leads to large, complex and expensive deployments.
GridBlock simplifies design and deployment with a single Energy Router replacing all this back-end equipment with built-in support for solar, storage and up to 18 EV plugs (9 ePORT kiosks).